POOLE has a history so long and colourful that it makes its neighbour Bournemouth look positively callow.

It’s easy to forget that fact when you drive into town and are greeted by some drab 1960s architecture. But wander around the Old Town and you encounter some truly fascinating historic buildings.

One of those is Mary Tudor Cottage in Market Street, which owner David Evans has spent £330,000 renovating.

You can’t do much to a 16th century home without attracting criticism, and Mr Evans’s plans ran into opposition from the Poole Old Town Conservation Group. But after the work was done, he invited the group’s members to an open day to see the results.

Some of them had mixed feelings, but it seems many of their fears were successfully allayed.

Full marks to Mr Evans for inviting the sceptics over to look around and hold him accountable.

Not all developers would be so brave