HOWEVER modest your ambitions, surely there’s one great expectation that must be honoured. That when you die you can be buried in or near your home town.

In Poole, that has been proving a challenge for they have been close to running out of burial space.

In the longer term, the plan has been to open a new cemetery on land shared with Bournemouth council at Magna Road. But Bournemouth doesn’t face the same headache, for it has burial capacity to see itself through the next 15 years.

Now it seems a deal has been worked out and thank goodness for that. There would be something unseemly about haggling over a deal involving such a sensitive subject.

The site for the new cemetery is on Green Belt land but let’s hope planning permission isn’t an issue with this application. Cemeteries by nature are quiet spots and this one expects business to amount to 60 burials a year.

Which sounds a surprisingly low figure.