IF you’ve ever wondered just who is pulling all the strings, then Poole’s first ever puppet festival could be the event for you.

The town’s Lighthouse Theatre will host the colourful extravaganza for eight days next month.

Nine puppet theatre companies are involved, putting on thirteen shows, an exhibition, a cabaret and six workshops.

The Lighthouse’s education programmer Helen Donaldson said: “This is a pilot festival but we hope it will prove successful enough to run as a regular event.

“Puppets and puppet shows have been around for centuries but over the last 10 years there has been a resurgence with London hosting the Suspense puppet festival and International Mime Festival.”

Poole’s puppet festival will start on February 11 with a show called the Chalk Giants, drawing inspiration from the chalk landscapes and legends that lie beneath.

Other highlights include The Table, an award-winning show from Blind Summit Theatre which proved one of the hits at the 2011 Edinburgh Festival.

Complementing the performances will be a programme of workshops where children and adults can try making their own puppets.

Helen said: “Lighthouse has always included puppetry in its programme, but it is exciting to welcome some new companies.

“Cube Theatre and Squashbox Theatre for children.

“We are also delighted that the talented Blind Summit Theatre will present their ‘extreme puppetry’ sketch show, The Table, which won a Fringe First at Edinburgh Festival.”

For information on the festival, running from February 11 to 18,visit the website lighthousepoole.co.uk