HE is without doubt one of the greatest singer-songwriters in modern music.

So when two inventors of a unique musical product from Christchurch saw Stevie Wonder pause at their trade stand in California, they were shocked to say the least.

And their surprise only rocketed when they discovered their unique invention had won the show’s Best Tools for Schools award.

Jolanda Seabourne and Martin Lewison were exhibiting at the Namm Show – the National Association of Music Merchants – in California, which is the biggest music show in the world.

The event, which shows off the newest musical inventions, sees some of the world’s biggest music stars attend, eager to pick up the latest recording technology and innovations.

Jolanda and Martin, who first won the International Invention of the Year at the British Invention show a couple of years ago, were in the States promoting their Chord Wand and Scale Wand.

The products are designed to sit at the back of the keys to enable the pianist to play scales and every chord imaginable, instantly.

Jolanda said: “We’re really, really proud. The product got such a good reception.

“Everyone – all the stars – go to this show, and we completely sold out.

“I couldn’t believe it when I saw Stevie Wonder. He was walking around with his entourage and they were chatting to him about what was on the stand.

“His piano tuner came back just as he was leaving and he bought some.

“And the drummer from Blood, Sweat and Tears also bought something. It was just amazing. We’re just from little old Christchurch.”

She added: “We are now just waiting to see if anyone would like to distribute our products in America.”