A brazen thief strolled into a house and stole a jar containing money after knocking at the door.

When the female householder opened the door of her Clifton Road, Southbourne home, he walked into her lounge, grabbed the jar, then left.

The incident happened at 1.30pm on Sunday January 15. Now police have appealed for help in tracing the offender and hope someone will recognise him from this e-fit.

Detective Constable Steve Davis of Bournemouth CID said: “I would urge anyone who recognises this man to contact me as soon as possible in confidence.”

The man was described as white with pale skin, a thin nose and thinning, light auburn hair which falls forward. He was aged in his late 30s or early 40s and is about five feet seven inches tall.

Anyone with information should call police on 101 quoting incident number 15:211 or call the free and anonymous Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111.