THIS is not just for millionaires; this is for anyone to have a go - myself included.

There is nothing quite like flying, but something that makes it even better, is having the opportunity to sit up front in a helicopter and take control of it, as I did.

It could be a lifelong dream, a once-in-a-lifetime gift, or just simply a ‘Why not?’ but either way, taking a trip in a helicopter, and as a bonus, try flying it, is breathtaking.

I’d never been near a helicopter, but I’d stared up in the sky, watching them hover over the sea during Bournemouth Air Festival, and heard great things from those who have experienced sight-seeing in one.

As a child, you may have had a remote control helicopter and whizzed it round and round in the park, but to be in the real thing, is, quite honestly, amazing.

Gary Ellson, founder and Managing Director of Bournemouth Helicopters, said: “We get a complete cross-section of people, from those who need to save up for a flight, to millionaires.”

He added: “The whole idea of this is to show that licences are available to anyone.

“Lots of people learn to fly recreationally, for just a bit of fun and then some use it as a business tool, to fly clients around.”

“Most people tend to follow on from, literally, just a birthday flight and then go on to train for a licence and some even go on to progress to buying their own helicopter.

“It’s not cheap, but then again, it’s very exciting and it’s like being part of an exclusive club, of those who have had the chance to fly an aircraft and those who haven’t.”

Under the leadership of Gary, I was given a briefing and a basic understanding of how the helicopter works, which he then repeated once we were in the air.

It was relaxed and there was no pressure for me to remember everything as Gary had full control at all times.

I got the chance to sit in the front seat of the Robinson R44 four-seater helicopter and, within reason, decide where I wanted to fly over.

Except, I couldn’t decide, so we flew across Dorset, taking in Christchurch, Bournemouth town centre, Sandbanks and Blandford, amongst many other places.

Gary said: “It’s very addictive. When I first started flying, I had no idea during my first lesson that nearly 20 years later, I’d still be taking people up. I love it.”

Despite it being a cold winter’s day, the view was fantastic and I did feel like royalty for the day.

The experience of co-piloting the helicopter is something that I will always remember, as you get to see more than you can from the ground and from a different perspective.

Many people take the opportunity to fly over their house or a favourite Dorset landmark and the most popular request, Gary says, is to fly over the coastline.

Safely back on the ground, I received a certificate of achievement to keep and show off to friends and family.

For those who get the flying bug and the young ones who look at wide-eyed, you can start logging flights whilst learning to fly from age 14.


Caitlin Marsh took a trial lesson in a four-seater helicopter, lasting 30 minutes.

Prices start from £185 for a two-seater helicopter, consisting of the pilot and passenger.

Fixed wing flights are also available to purchase.

Gift vouchers are valid for 12 months and are fully transferable, with flights being rearranged with the recipient in the event of bad weather, or other circumstances.

For more information, visit the website: or call Bournemouth Helicopters on: 01202 590800.