A DORSET MP will meet David Cameron on Wednesday over the plans to axe the county’s search and rescue helicopter.

South Dorset MP Richard Drax is especially concerned that the change could cause delay in getting divers by helicopter to Poole’s decompression chamber.

The government plans to shut the Portland Search and Rescue helicopter as part of a strategy to station choppers at regular intervals around the coastline.

Mr Drax said: “The problem is that incidents are not equally spaced.

“In 2011, 25 per cent of all coastguard coordinated helicopter callouts were between the Brixham, Portland and Lee on Solent coastguard areas.”

He said 50 divers were rescued in 2011 by the Portland helicopter and that 45 of them needed treatment in a hyperbaric chamber.

“It is critical that divers arrive at a decompression chamber within one hour of any diving accident. After that, the chances of permanent injury climb,” he said.

“The nearest chamber is in Poole, 15 minutes’ flight time from Portland. It takes the Portland helicopter 10 minutes to reach a casualty. It would take the alternative helicopters proposed at least 35 minutes.”