A DOBERMAN that savaged a pet spaniel to death must now be kept muzzled and on a lead.

Bournemouth Council sought the court order after the attack in St Valerie Road, Dean Park, Bournemouth in July.

Michel Hiernaux, 62, and his wife Marie, 58, saw their spaniel-collie cross Jessie bitten and then shaken until its neck broke.

“The Doberman came off the lead and just lunged at Jessie,” Marie told the Echo soon afterwards.

“He grabbed her by the neck and shook her like a rag doll. There was blood everywhere.”

Bournemouth Council said it investigated and then applied to the courts for an order in respect of the doberman, which was then granted by Poole Magistrates.

The doberman must be kept under proper control, and must be on a lead and muzzled in any public area.

If there is evidence of a breach of the order, the council can apply to the courts under the Dogs Act 1871 for destruction of the dog and a fine to the owners.

The council said the owners of the doberman were Daryl Henry and Deborah Ogden and the person in charge of the Doberman was Janice Henry.

The Echo has this year reported on a spate of dog attacks on children, cats and other dogs. Residents are calling for tougher measures to control dogs and punish their owners.

Cllr David Smith, cabinet member for communities, said: “In Bournemouth we will take robust action, when necessary, against owners whose dogs are clearly out of control in a public space.

“We will not hesitate to press for further action if the owner is found to have breached the order.”