FIRE chiefs have issued safety warnings after a spate of incidents in domestic properties over the weekend.

Two children and their father were rescued from a flat in Poole Road, Westbourne, after a blaze started in the kitchen just after 1am on Sunday.

They were treated by ambulance at the scene.

A short time earlier crews dealt with a fire in Keeble Crecent, Kinson, in which the house was completely smoke-logged. One man was led to safety.

Both incidents were caused by cooking left unattended.

Station manager, Sean Frampton, said the call-outs happened within ten minutes of each other.

“In total four people have been rescued and it highlights the need for working smoke alarms and is a timely reminder not to leave cooking unattended.

“Both these incidents could have been far more serious had neighbours not been alerted by the alarms.

“Cooking can be very dangerous and it should be carefully planned and managed.

“If you go out, if you are distracted or if you go to sleep, turn off the cooker or the microwave.”

He added: “All the individuals have had a lucky escape.”

Chris Davie, 43, of Poole Road, said he had been making chicken stock but stopped to read Myles, seven, and Frances, six, a bedtime story, and then went to bed himself.

More than two hours later, he was woken by the alarms going off and firefighters were outside.

Mr Davie, a chef, said: “I’m quite calm in a situation like that so I woke the kids up, picked them up in their duvets, handed one to a firefighter and carried the other downstairs.”

The family was allowed back inside at around 3am. The fumes had been dangerous but the damage to their home was minimal, Mr Davie said.