ONE of the problems with Boscombe is perfectly illustrated by the juxtaposition of stories on our website.

On the day that we give time, space and attention to a new initiative aimed at improving the lives of the people who live in Central Boscombe, we also report a serious assault in Pokesdown on Saturday evening that has left a man critical but stable in hospital.

For those involved in the ‘Backing Boscombe’ campaign, it’s an unfortunate case of bad timing or in that more colourful phrase, Sod’s Law.

The facts and figures on antisocial behaviour, ill health, life expectancy and general deprivarion contained in our Backing Boscombe feature make compelling reading.

It may come as a shock to many people that amid the general affluence of this area, a pocket of Boscombe may be the most deprived place in the entire south west of England.

The report from which these statistics are taken doesn’t pull any punches and that’s as it should be.

If the Backing Boscombe campaign is to have any impact or make a difference, the scale of the challenge must be clearly laid out.

Yes, there will be those who dismiss this initiative as a waste of time and effort. Those who do so will certainly have no interest in seeing Boscombe improve and clearly won’t lift a finger to see it happen. But it’s obvious already that there are plenty who will.