WE’RE all in this together. Or at least we should be. Businesses and residents are being urged to step forward to improve Central Boscombe.

Today the Daily Echo helps launch ‘Backing Boscombe’ in partnership with Boscombe Regeneration Partnership and Bournemouth 2026, urging the wider public to do their through positive steps to improve their community. We’re also inviting the public to contribute ideas for a vision for Boscombe’s future.

Mark Cribb, chair of Boscombe Area Regeneration Group and a member of the Regeneration Partnership, said: “Boscombe Spa and gardens are a wonderful example of what can be achieved with the right level of investment and community commitment and now we need to build on that success in the wider central Boscombe area.

“A thriving vintage market, an arts hub, regeneration of The Crescent and improvements to Roumelia Lane are all playing a key role in lifting Boscombe town centre but positive action from the wider community is sorely needed if we are to eradicate deprivation and give residents and businesses the quality they deserve.”

Campaigners say numerous individuals and agencies are working to reduce deprivation but it is essential the wider community steps up to help.

Local residents are being asked to take more pride in their neighbourhoods and the community and agencies urged to look out for each other and to volunteer for practical projects to improve the area. Improving the availability and standard of low cost homes is a priority.

To submit your vision for Boscombe or offer your help email bournemouth2026@bournemouth.gov.uk.

The results will be considered by the Boscombe Regeneration Partnership and the final vision will be announced by the Daily Echo in the New Year and delivered through partnership working between Bournemouth Borough Council, Bournemouth 2026, the police, NHS, business and charity and voluntary sectors.