WHATEVER form of transport you choose to get to your destination on time, it could benefit from a little divine inspiration.

Father Bruce Barnes at the Sacred Heart Church in Bournemouth is offering to give just that to your car, bike, roller skates or even mobility scooter.

‘The Grand Blessing of Cars and All Forms of Transport’ will take place on Sunday, November 6 at noon. Anyone who drives skis or skates past Father Bruce at the church entrance in Albert Road will have their transportation blessed and sprinkled with holy water.

“I’ll bless any form of transport; skis, skateboard of even zimmer frames if they come past.” Father Bruce told me. “Who knows, this might become a yearly event.”

The tradition of blessing travellers goes back to the tradition of St Christopher and the idea came to Father Bruce as he was looking to raise money for the Sacred Heart’s Shine Restoration Appeal to renovate the Church. He hopes that as many people as possible will join a procession down Richmond Hill, past the Church where donations can be thrown out of cars and into buckets provided.

Although the Bournemouth Priest is more than happy to bless any form of transport he did add, “If anyone is going to bring a tank, could they please inform me beforehand.”

President of Bournemouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce and previously Area Secretary for the Bournemouth and Poole MG Owners Club, Nigel Hedges was pleased to have his MG Roadster blessed.

Nigel explains why. “If you drive a car, even with the most modern safety features today, we all need a bit of added protection and a blessing. A reminder to be careful whilst travelling,” he said.

Join the procession down Richmond Hill and past the Sacred Heart Church in Albert Road for your blessing.