A VILLAGE community has been left in shock after a man was killed in a tragic accident involving a vintage tractor.

Robin Wells, 59, died after the tractor rolled over and trapped him underneath as he was carrying out gardening work at his home in Alweston, near Sherborne.

Emergency services including the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance attended on Sunday afternoon, but Mr Wells was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police confirmed that an inquest had been opened and adjourned into the death of Mr Wells and that his next of kin had been informed.

A spokesman added that Dorset Police's traffic department would be investigating the incident.

A villager who lived nearby to Mr Wells said the electrician was a well-liked and helpful neighbour.

He said: “We are all pretty close here. He was a fine chap and always ready to help you whenever you needed help.”

The resident added that Mr Wells’s death was likely to be felt throughout much of the village.

He said: “It’s a small community and obviously it hits us all.

“It’s a terrible shock and you just don’t expect it.”

Another resident said: “The ambulance was here in about five minutes but there was nothing anyone could do.

“It’s a very tragic accident and my thoughts are with his family.”