A BOURNEMOUTH MP has claimed he was quoted “out of context” after reportedly saying a rebel colleague should be “given a good hiding”.

Tobias Ellwood, a long-time David Cameron supporter, was reported to have made the comments about backbencher Mark Pritchard.

Mr Pritchard has accused the Prime Minister of bullying over his stance on a vote over animal welfare in circuses.

A national newspaper reported that Mr Ellwood said: “He’s the kind of bloke who deserves to be taken behind the bike shed and given a good hiding.”

Mr Ellwood told the Echo it was comment made in private to other MPs, not including Mr Pritchard, that was taken out of context and exaggerated.

He said: “Everybody should be entitled to a private conversation.”

Cllr Nick King, a member of Bournemouth East Conservative Association, said: “It sounds out of character and if it was said it was as a joke because he is very measured in his responses.”

Mr Pritchard, MP for The Wrekin in Shropshire, angered some other Tory MPs by forcing them to vote on the use of animals in circuses, on a day when it had been agreed they could return to their constituencies.

He claimed in parliament to have received a call from Downing Street saying the prime minister would view it “dimly” if he pushed the issue to a vote.

Mr Ellwood, a former Army captain, was elected to the Bournemouth East seat in 2005. He has reportedly been backed by defence secretary Liam Fox, for whom he works as parliamentary private secretary.