The huge interest shown in an aerial photo of Poole harbour taken through the window of an airliner has prompted the snapper to produce more.

As the 757 flew along the coast, Mark Brazier from Bournemouth had quickly pressed the shutter a few more times and produced equally clear and sharp images of Poole Bay and the Jurassic Coast.

The Daily Echo published Mark’s photo of the harbour, taken from 8,000 ft at the beginning of the month and he was amazed at the interest it generated.

“People want to buy copies of it. It’s quite a phenomenon,” said Mark, 43, a sales manager from Ensbury Park, whose hobby is photography.

Also taken with his Nikon D90 from the plane when he and wife Sara were on their way from Gatwick to the Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, were these stunning images.

“They were all taken within about three seconds of each other,” he said.

“I didn’t have a second chance at it.”

The perfectly clear conditions enable Poole Bay with Bournemouth’s two piers jutting into the sea, and the Purbeck coastline with Swanage in the centre, to be seen.

“It’s higher than you can get in a helicopter,” said Mark. “I was on the right side of the plane and there was no wing or engine in the way. The plane was banking slightly.

“Everything came together, it does sometimes.”

He added: “I might turn them into postcards, seeing as it’s the tourist season.”