‘TANKTASTIC’ was the verdict from this year’s Tankfest.

The Tank Museum, Bovington’s showcase of military hardware and memorabilia was a huge success and looks set to break all records with crowds of more than 10,000 pouring in over the weekend.

The festival, now in its ninth year, is also an important fundraiser for the museum, a registered charity.

Marketing manager Nik Wyness said visitors were treated to spectacular displays in the main arena by tanks and other armoured vehicles old and new, some of which have not been seen in public before.

They included the mighty Tortoise, one of the heaviest British tanks of all time, a recently-restored Churchill tank, a Panzer IV on loan from a museum in Jordan.

Making a special appearance was a prototype of a Ranger vehicle made by Universal Advanced Systems in Weymouth.

As well as a moving and static display of vehicles, visitors had the opportunity to see what life was like for soldiers in wartime and how families coped with rationing.

There were many trade stands and exhibitions and 1940s music courtesy of the Polka Dot Dolls.

Tankfest included two mock battles with dozens of people in period costumes fighting with blank firing rifles and authentic tanks in the demonstration arena.

The museum was open as well with visitors enjoying the Battlegroup Afghanistan exhib-ition which opened in April as well as the world’s best collection of tanks and action-packed live displays.

Mr Wyness said: “It was a fantastic weekend and it stayed dry which was a bonus.

“Tankfest coincides with Armed Forces weekend and is a showcase of the world’s finest fighting vehicles.”