SQUEAKY-voiced comedian Joe Pasquale’s will be asking Bournemouth audiences to pull his finger.

Joe is on a personal mission to cheer everyone up and put a smile on people’s faces in these dark and dismal times and his Pull My Finger show aims to do just that at the Pavilion theatre on August 9.

Packed with hilarious routines, performed at breakneck pace, and a cacophony of props, Pull My Finger will also feature Joe’s hapless sidekick Raynard who often appears in various forms of discreet undress.

Packed with fun for all the family, Pull My Finger promises to have audiences laughing in the aisles and hopefully the only gaseous emissions during the show will be carbon dioxide.

Following his ESP tour in 2010 and pantomime appearance, Joe has spent the best part of 2011 getting in shape for what was one of the biggest challenges of his life – the London Marathon.

Being crowned King of the Jungle in 2004 has had a cathartic effect on his lifestyle and has seen him go on to overcome a deep-seated fear of flying and qualify as a pilot – not to mention fulfil a lifetime ambition to revisit his education and start studying with the Open University for a Degree in Geoscience.

He also took up boxing before completing the London Marathon – no mean feat for a man whose only experience of running had been from one side of the stage to the other during his action-packed performances.