BOURNEMOUTH Council has installed 25 new generation solar bins along the seafront as part of its campaign to encourage people to dispose of waste responsibly.

The new bins installed as part of the council’s £1million Smart Streets campaign, self compact the contents down so that more waste can be disposed of before having to be emptied and send a signal back to the Council’s Street Services when they are full.

In addition, new bins which light up in the dark are to be installed at Lansdowne and Old Christchurch Road to crack down on revellers’ late night litter.

The council’s fleet of refuse trucks now have Smart Streets campaign messages emblazoned on them encouraging people to, “Love Bournemouth, Loathe Litter, put it in the bin”.

Teams of dedicated street cleansing champions are to be allocated to key neighbourhoods across Bournemouth.

There will also be additional mechanical sweeping, a chewing gum removal programme and community litter picks.

More than 2,400 lampposts are to be painted, street furniture repaired, road markings refreshed and a sign cleaning and replacement programme.

Stuart Best, Street Services manager, said: “Street cleansing is a high priority. We have been able to invest in a number of initiatives to encourage more people to dispose of their waste responsibly.”