A MINISTER described the case against Dorset County Council cutting its lollipop patrols as “compelling.”

Norman Baker, a junior transport minister, yesterday responded to a debate at Westminster Hall, Parliament.

The council is slashing its £200,000-worth of funding to 65 lollipop patrols to save money.

However Mr Baker also said of the decision: “In the year of localism, it’s for county councils to be free to innovate.”

Mid Dorset and North Poole MP Annette Brooke called for the debate and was backed by South Dorset MP Richard Drax.

She argued the money was a fraction of the council’s |£273 million budget.

She said it would be unfair on the pupils if some schools, parish councils, and parent teacher associations could not afford to fill the funding gap.

Mr Baker concluded: “She has put together a compelling case and I believe Dorset County Council will reflect very carefully indeed on her remarks.”