ILLEGAL sales of alcohol and tobacco to young people in North Dorset have fallen dramatically.

Police officers in the district joined forces with Dorset Trading Standards to drive down sales in underage test purchase exercises from 22 per cent to 5 per cent in the past three years.

An underage volunteer who visited 17 shops and off-licences in the Blandford, Shaftesbury and Gillingham areas was refused alcohol and tobacco at each premises.

North Dorset section commander, Inspector Shawn Whitley, said the reduction had followed an effort from all partners, which included NHS Dorset.

“North Dorset is a very safe place to live but from time to time problems such as under age drinking flare up.

While retailers are one source of alcohol and tobacco, we know that young people will ask their older friends and even strangers to buy it for them.

We would urge these people to refuse. They could be putting the young person’s health at risk and may contribute to any subsequent anti-social behaviour that the rest of the community has to suffer,” he said.

Dorset Trading Standards carries out test purchase exercises across the county, sometimes working with the police and the local licensing authority.