Editor's Note: Purdah, the period preceding an election where political views are not permitted to be publicised, doesn't start until the end of March.

Even before that, the council's press office - who are required to be politically neutral - would not approve a blog post that promoted any one party above another.

However, we've edited some parts of this week's entry. You can read Mr Charon's post in full at the council's website.

We would like to make it clear that the full post in no way breaks any rules. As leader of the council Mr Charon is perfectly entitled to promote what he sees as the council's achievements. We simply felt that under the circumstances, this blog was not the right forum at this time.

If anyone takes issue with our decision feel free to email me!. Sam

THIS week the Council's partnership with Morgan Sindall Investments became a reality - and we have jointly formed The Bournemouth Development Company, after all legal complexities have been resolved.

This really is a major milestone for Bournemouth's Town Centre Vision and will bring £350 million of regeneration to our town over the next 20 years.

This will include new family attractions, homes, shops and business premises as well as dramatic improvements to public spaces.

Leyton Mount Car Park, adjacent to Horseshoe Common, has been earmarked as the first major site to be developed by The Bournemouth Development Company, with early plans including a number of homes for family living, along with some shops or cafes.

A new multi-storey car park is also planned for Madeira Road and profit from these early schemes will help fund improvements to Westover Road.

The designs for Westover Road have yet to be developed but we have said for a long time that we are keen to bring major landscape improvements including widened pavements, greater pedestrian priority and alfresco dining to this part of town.

That aspiration has not changed and indeed, the recreation of Westover Road as "The Bond Street of Bournemouth" is now a step closer to becoming reality.

14 sites are set to transfer to the Development Company from the Council, over the life of the partnership, with Morgan Sindall investing the equivalent value in cash.

The Company then develops the site and the profits are shared on a 50/50 basis between Morgan Sindall and the Council - meaning income to reinvest in other town centre improvements.

This is such an innovative approach to making the Town Centre a better place to be, to work, to live, to invest, to relax, to shop and to learn, and I very much look forward to seeing the early results deliver real improvements to the town, and real money for us to invest further in creating a better town centre for all.