HOW often have you woken up on a weekend morning absolutely Hank Marvin (starving), only to find you’re all out of the staple ingredients for the English breakfast you crave?

Well now you can tuck into a full fry-up without even getting out of bed, thanks to Hank Marvin Breakfasts, the brainchild of a trio of friends.

Andrew Barrett and brothers Ben and Nick Richards set up the breakfast delivery business in October after noticing a gap in the market, even setting up a website so customers could order and pay online.

The idea was dreamed up after the friends, having been out for a few drinks to celebrate the end of the working week, woke up craving the known cooked breakfast hangover cure, but felt too fragile to venture to the shops to buy the ingredients themselves.

Andrew, 28, said: “One of us said ‘Why doesn’t anyone deliver a cooked breakfast? You can get everything else.’ That was how Hank Marvin was conceived.

“We needed a name that people would remember and something funny, after all we’re just three 20-somethings trying to enjoy our lives – it needed to be fun.

“We came up with Hank Marvin, rhyming slang for starving. It’s worked out really well, people always refer to it as Hank Marvin and we even get people on the phone ordering who tell us they’re absolutely Hank Marvin.”

While the proposed market was initially students, the trio now find they are widening their net and also deliver to many young professionals in the area.

Andrew, from Talbot Woods, Bournemouth, said: “It’s growing steadily.

“We started off as the chefs ourselves, but as we’ve grown we’ve had to move to bigger premises in Westbourne and employ a chef.

“We only have a three-mile radius for a number of reasons – one is that we want to keep the food fresh and the other is that we don’t want the delivery driver out for too long.

“We’d love to start somewhere in Poole as well.”