BUS pass holders across Purbeck are being asked to have their say on changes to travel concessions.

Elderly passengers and people with disabilities can voice their opinions on proposed changes coming into force on April 1.

This is the date when responsibility for concessionary travel passes from the district to Dorset County Council.

For most, nothing will change, but the county may not be able to offer vouchers and tokens for taxis, rail warrants and free bus travel before 9.30am.

County transport head Peter Finney said: “Because of the government’s efforts to reduce the deficit, we expect that the available grant will not be enough to continue to provide all the concessions currently offered.”

Questionnaires are available from local council offices or libraries, or online at dorsetforyou.com.

The issue will be discussed by cabinet before any decisions are made.

Questionnaires need to be returned to Dorset County Council by next Friday. Call 01305 221059 for details.