It's less than a week to go, there is snow on the ground and I am feeling festive! This is probably my last blog of this year so here is a festive entry to round off the last twelve months.

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a brand new shiny bicycle!

Cycling really is one of the best ways to get around. It's a lot cheaper than driving; it's better for you and is often quicker. Just in case you are in any doubts about the benefits, have a look at this chap who has lost 25 stone through cycling - yes I did say 25 stone!

Day 2 got me a cycling helmet

I'm not going to debate the pros and cons of helmet wearing, but I think they are a good thing. They don't have to cost much and are far more stylish and comfortable than they used to be. Check out for a good range.

Day 3 was a nice pair of cycling shorts.

Padded shorts along with the right saddle make cycling comfortable. Cycling shorts doesn't have to mean skin tight lycra, British company Endura have a excellent range -

Day 4 I got some cycling glasses.

It doesn't matter what you wear but eye protection is a good idea. You can spend as much or as little as you like, but glasses are one of the items I don't cycle without.

Day 5 was nice pair of cycling gloves.

This rounds of the last of what I consider to be the essential items. As well as keeping your hands warm, a pair of gloves offers protection and take it from me, losing the skin of your palms is not pleasant!

Day 6. As its winter I got some lights

I discussed this topic last week so won't go into detail apart from suggesting a couple of places to look at - are one of the biggest manufacturers and are one of the best UK manufacturers and are based locally in Westbourne.

On Day 7 I got a nice secure cycle lock.

I talked about cycle thefts and locks last week as well so won't repeat myself. are my choice of lock to make sure my bikes stay where I left them!

On day 8 I was feeling the chill so got myself a jacket and some extra clothing.

As with all outdoor activities the right clothing can really make a difference. Endura as mentioned earlier make an excellent range of kit.

On day 9 it was raining so I fitted some mudguards.

Frankly, they look rubbish, but they do make riding in wet or muddy conditions much more pleasant! are a British company who are leading the way with their products.

Day 10 brought me some tools and some spare inner tubes so that I could carry out some basic maintenance.

A well adjusted and set up bike is much nicer to ride, is quiet and will last longer.

On day 11 I decided to clean my bike and used some bicycle specific cleaner and lubricants from, yet another local company.

The right cleaning products and lubricants make bike last longer and run smoother. Would you put vegetable oil in the engine of your car and expect it to run well?

Day 12 was the last day and so I brushed up on my Highway Code and also read the book Cyclecraft by John Franklin.

That's it then, I've got the gear and the knowledge, just need to get out and ride. Can anyone lend me some stabilisers?

Merry Christmas!