I THINK Katie Price is a ghastly, capricious, orange chancer and would be delighted if I never had to read or write anything about her ever again.

But on one thing she is absolutely correct – and that is her decision to take ‘comedian’ Frankie Boyle to the TV authorities because he won’t apologise for the vile things he said about her disabled, autistic son, Harvey.

I’m not going to re-print them but you can see what Boyle said on Channel 4 On Demand. If you enjoy watching grown men pick on little boys, that is.

On the grounds that he has never made me laugh, I’ve never warmed to Boyle, but it’s his cowardice I can’t abide.

If it’s shock value he’s after – because he surely can’t think this stuff is actually funny – why didn’t Big Man Boyle go for broke and use the ‘N’ word? After all, it’s just about the most shocking, hurtful word in our language and as folk like him will tell you, there should be ‘no boundaries for humour’.

Maybe he didn’t use it because he knows that the deluded liberals who idolise his act wouldn’t wash it and neither would his politically-correct paymasters at Channel 4.

Boyle is ignorant. He’s cruel. But he’s not stupid.

The fact is that there SHOULD be boundaries for humour and the very best comedians, whether they be the late Max Miller and his filthy double entendres, or the brilliant Al Murray, know what those boundaries are.

And by their skill as comedians, manage to stay just on the right side of them.

PS: Channel 4 appears to be defending Boyle’s indefensible garbage on the grounds of free speech. But not, you notice on the grounds that it was funny.