THE Miliband (of) Brothers has rarely been out of the news this week, whether it’s Ed unexpectedly pipping big bro’ David to the Labour Party leadership, or David raining on Ed’s parade by deciding not to stand for the shadow cabinet.

Right now, some would say it’s all going the shape of the pear for the political siblings. But plenty of other brothers have weathered much worse storms than this.

So could the Miliboys learn anything from some of these other fraternal celebs?

1. The Mitchell Brothers, Phi-ul an’ Grant. Violent, balding, short-tempered sibs whose main purpose was to create dramatic conflict in EastEnders, mainly by fighting. Milibro’ Lesson: Don’t lose the plot. And, if you do, no fighting.

2. The Kray Brothers, Reggie and Ronnie. Violent London gangland bosses who ruled their manor by fear. But they loved their old mum. Milibro’ Lesson: Love your old mum. And mind your manors.

3. The Kennedy Brothers, Jack and Bobby. High-powered, good-looking political pair who both, reportedly, slept with Marilyn Monroe. Milibro’ Lesson: Don’t sleep with the same bird, even if she looks like Marilyn.

4. The Blues Brothers, Jake and Elwood. Music-loving, mayhem-creating Chicagoan orphans who believe they are on a mission from God. Milibro’ Lesson: You’re not on a mission from God.

5. The Jonas Brothers, Joe, Kevin and Nick. Wholesome, American, evangelical Christian boy band, became famous through the Disney Channel. Milibro’ Lesson: The family that plays together, stays together.

6. The Righteous Brothers: Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfield. Despite their name and tuneful pairing, they weren’t brothers at all. Most famous for singing Unchained Melody. Milibro’ Lesson: Time goes by so slowly. And time can do so much. (But probably not if you aren’t speaking.) 7. The Marx Brothers, Groucho, Harpo, Chico etc. Jewish comedians who variously loved cigars, harps and women. Milibro’ Lesson: Relax; the Jewish bit AND the comedy factor is already sorted.

8. The Mario Brothers, Mario and Luigi. Stars of the Nintendo computer game who spend their lives investigating the sewers of New York where the object of their lives is to defeat their enemies at all phases. Milibro’ Lesson: Know thine enemy. (Clue: he may be related to you.) 9. The Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. Scribblers of scary European folk tales such as Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood. Milibro’ Lesson: Resist all temptation to pen the story of Little Red Ed and any other Grim Fairytales. Especially ones where the rightful king is seen off by his irritating younger brother.

10. The Charlton Brothers, Jackie and Bobby. Legendary footballers, gentlemen and ambassadors for the sport and their home area of the North East. Milibro’ Lesson: Despite all that’s happened, conduct yourself like wor lads and you won’t put a foot wrong.