HUNDREDS of mourners gathered on Wednesday for the funeral service of the couple killed in a horrific accident at Sandbanks.

The private service for Alan and Rochelle Bernard from Moor Park was held at Bushey Cemetery, in Bushey, near Watford, at 2.15pm.

Mr and Mrs Bernard, who are survived by their children James, Robert and Natasha, aged between 17 and 27, were popular members of Northwood United Synagogue.

Rabbi Moshe Freedman, who read prayers at the funeral, said: “It was a very emotional service, attended by at least a few hundred people.

“Robert and James spoke very movingly about their loss and how much all three children adored their parents.

“Rochelle and Alan had a very wide circle of friends and were very much loved by many people.

“They also had a big family, many of whom brought friends along for support.”

The couple, who had homes in Moor Park, Middlesex, and in Sandbanks, had been walking back to their holiday apartment on Banks Road when they died in a collision with a Silver Mercedes on Saturday evening.

Police enquiries into the collision are ongoing. A 33-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of driving offences and released on police bail.