LEAD worth £40,000 has been stolen from the roof of an historic New Forest church listed in the Domesday Book of 1086 and updated by the Normans in the 12th century.

St Mary’s Church, Fordingbridge, has held a sacred place in the hearts of residents for all those centuries, but the building was put at risk of flooding when thieves struck between Sunday, September 5 and Tuesday, September 7.

Emergency repairs had to be carried out to prevent further damage by rain, said police.

Later in the week there was an attempt to remove valuable lead from above the front door of a house in nearby Shaftesbury Street.

The incidents are the latest in a long of similar thefts in the Ringwood and Fordingbridge areas.

Police are continuing to use DNA grease to mark lead on buildings that have been targeted in a bid to stop reoccurrences.

The grease, which is forensically identifiable, shows up under ultra violet light and is left on skin and clothing, even after washing.

Insp James Douglas said: “We are committed to tracking down and prosecuting those responsible for metal thefts and to working with the community to prevent further offences taking place.”

He said the crime can be particularly distressing because often it is not noticed until the rain gets in.

“The cost to the victim is often disproportionate to the value of the stolen lead.

“A thief may make a few pounds, but the true cost to the victim can run into thousands. Many of the premises are public buildings, which ultimately costs us all.”

Any information to police on 0845 045 4545 or the Crimestoppers line on 0800 555111.