THIS is the moment robbers sprayed a defenceless woman in the face with pepper spray.

Detectives are asking for help in identifying the men captured on CCTV during the armed robbery at Throop Post Office on Monday morning.

The 37-year-old woman – confirmed to the Daily Echo by staff at the nearby Broadway pub as its landlady – was carrying takings to pay in when the robbers entered the post office in Broadway Lane at around 9.45am.

She was involved in a scuffle with the robbers, thought to be two men aged in their late teens, before the pair apparently made off via Careys Lane.

Both men who entered the post office were described as wearing dark hooded tops and had their faces covered.

Detectives also want to speak to a third man seen outside at the time.

He was also in his late teens, with short brown hair, wearing a grey t-shirt and dark trousers.

Detective Constable James Taylor said: “I am keen to speak to anyone who witnessed the robbery, to anyone who saw two men running away from the scene and to anyone who may have seen any suspicious, unusual or out of the ordinary activity in the area of the post office before the incident.”

Police have not revealed how much cash was stolen. They also said that a four-year-old-girl that was in the post office with her mother during the robbery was “terrified”.

On Monday officers searched the area with dogs and the force helicopter, but found nothing. They also sealed off the post office while crime scene investigators combed it for clues.

The victim was treated for shock at the scene. Staff were not threatened.

Police have arrested and bailed a 21-year-old man and a 16-year-old male youth, both from Bournemouth.

Witnesses or anyone with information should call on 01202 222222 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.