I OFFER no regrets in revealing that there are a few blokes – and women too – here at the Echo who would gladly have a word with the scumbag featured on our front page today.

Anyone who has witnessed the CCTV footage of the cashpoint robbery on our website will understand precisely what I’m talking about and if you haven’t, I urge you to do so to offer an understanding of how angry that attack would make normal, everyday, hard-working people feel.

As cowardly acts go, this one takes some beating as he sucker punches an innocent man taking money out of his account and then proceeds to bully him into handing over his PIN number as he lies on the ground.

There are many incidents of violence that occur in our society, indeed sometimes in our town, that are perpetrated by spineless pondlife just like this man.

I am absolutely positive that cowards like this would not stop at punching defenceless girls, women or old ladies to the ground for a few notes and that’s exactly why I urge you to look closely at the footage and the photos, identify this man and shop him to the police.

How many times have we watched Crimewatch and thought how wonderful it would be to recognise one of the rogues featured on their gallery and be instrumental in taking him or her off the street?

Now could be your chance to protect someone else from this lily-livered chicken.