THE successful Summer Reading Challenge is entering its 12th year with youngsters across Dorset being encouraged to take part in the Space Hop.

Children between the ages of four and 12 can sign up at their local library for the event, which promises an exciting outer space adventure.

All they have to do is read six books during the summer holidays to earn stickers, posters and medals.

And the challenge has educational benefits, too, with those taking part maintaining their reading skills through the long summer break.

The challenge has been created by The Reading Agency, an independent charity working to inspire more people to enjoy reading.

“Your child’s 2010 Summer Reading challenge adventure starts in their local library where young Space Hoppers meet Finn, Jessie, Nabil and Safiya, the crew of the Ex Libris” said an agency spokesman.

“It’s not just about the books. “They love the stickers, posters and the colourful displays and there are special events which help to make a regular trip to the library a highlight of the summer holidays.”

Children can sign up from now until September 4 and around three quarters of a million are expected to take up the challenge across the country.

The Space Hop also has an interactive website where youngsters can play games, share comments and read exclusive blogs from authors.