SHOULD we have an English anthem? A Lib Dem MP this week said it was frustrating to hear God Save the Queen, the anthem for the whole UK, played for England in South Africa.

And, apparently, Jerusalem will be played to celebrate English winners at the Commonwealth games this year. (Assuming that we have any.) Billy Connolly used to have a pop at the national anthem. The words weren’t the snag, he said. The Queen’s nice and he was all for saving her. It was just the tune’s so boring. He suggested singing it to The Archers. But Connolly’s Scottish and not qualified to help pick an anthem just for England. The Scottish sing their Flower of Scotland at rugby matches. And what do the English sing? Swing Low, Sweet Chariot! An American spiritual. How weird is that? England football fans are no better. A few years ago they adopted Vindaloo as their unofficial chant.

Yesterday some Radio Five listeners called in with their suggestions for an England anthem and Always Look on the Bright Side of Life came out favourite. Hmm. We’re not exactly known for our cheery optimism.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight might sound half appropriate but we’d want to make damn sure it wakes up before the kick-off tomorrow.

Jerusalem’s good... but the name’s the capital of another country. Which is a bit odd, isn’t it?

So stand up if, like me, you’d be happy to stick with God Save the Queen? Or would you prefer an England anthem where everyone knows the words of more than just the first verse?

Thought so. Agadoo it is then.