THOUSANDS of pupils across Dorset and Hampshire missed more than two weeks of school in the autumn term last year, latest figures have revealed.

Government statistics just released show that 6.1 per cent of students in state run secondary schools in the Bournemouth and Hampshire areas missed more than 28 half-day sessions, compared to a national average of 5.8 per cent. The figures for Poole and Dorset local authority areas were 5.6 per cent and five per cent respectively.

Overall absence levels fell slightly across the country to 6.13 per cent, compared with 6.42 per cent in the Autumn term 2008.

Absence levels overall were 5.3 per cent in Bournemouth, 5.27 per cent in Dorset, 5.34 per cent in Poole and 5.15 per cent in Hampshire.