POLICE and the Forestry Commission are turning up the heat on car crime in New Forest car parks.

Operation Celsius has been launched to educate people and stop them putting temptation in front of criminals, reducing the number of break-ins and thefts at the Forestry Commission’s 137 car parks, and catching the thieves.

In a demonstration at the Eyeworth Pond beauty spot, it took PCSO Scott Walker just 35 seconds to emerge from behind bushes, walk to a car, try all the doors, resort to a hammer to smash a side window and escape with a handbag left on a seat.

It is that quick and that easy. Police say there are some simple measures people can take to avoid becoming victims of these types of thefts:

  • Always lock cars and try all doors and the boot to ensure the central locking has operated, because there are now devices available to interfere with locking systems;
  • Do not leave property in cars. “If it’s not there it can’t be stolen”, is the motto;
  • Think about where to park. Choose busy or lit areas, especially at night;
  • Fit extra security devices.

Police will be mounting additional patrols to hinder criminals and will be warning motorists about the dangers of leaving property on view and giving advice.

Remove it or lose it posters will be put up in car parks to warn drivers and stickers will be available advising thieves there are no valuables kept in the car.

Another sticker warns “This may be a trap car”, a system of catching criminals in the forest recently.

Officers are also investigating whether to send advisory letters to registered owners of parked vehicles with