A TEENAGER who lost all his possessions in a fire at his flat in Boscombe has been presented with a brand- new drum kit by his fellow school students.

Alfie Adams-House, 14, was at home over a month ago with his mother Pamela Adams when they heard a loud bang.

Faced with clouds of black smoke, the pair escaped in the nick of time before their flat burnt, leaving them with not much more than what they were wearing.

The blaze, which originated in Alfie’s bedroom, destroyed his clothes, two keyboards and two drum kits.

But thanks to the generosity of school friends at The Grange in Christchurch and the local community, Alfie is now able to play his beloved drums again.

A grant of £150 came from the Clingan’s Trust, a local charity who gives money to students in need, with the balance made up with proceeds from a bake sale and donations by staff.

Mark Stenton, head teacher at The Grange, said: “Alfie had no idea what was happening. His face was a picture when he saw what was waiting for him.

“He needs a drum kit as he is taking his music GCSE so we were more than happy to help out.”