A TALENTED dancer whose life was cut tragically short nearly three years ago will be remembered at a charity ball in Bournemouth on June 5.

The event marks what would have been Poole teenager Ellaline Vincent’s 18th birthday. Ellaline, who went to Wentworth College in Bournemouth, died in August 2007 at the age of 15 after a brave battle against cancer of the heart.

Money raised at the ball will be donated via the Ellaline Vincent Memorial Fund to Round Table Children’s Wish, the charity that made her dream of swimming with dolphins come true.

“Ellaline’s 18th Wish Ball will be the birthday party she would have had, the prom she missed, and the opportunity for all her friends to celebrate Ellaline’s life and keep her memory alive,” said her mother, Jo Hart.

“Despite the rare cancer of her heart and secondaries in her brain and pelvis, Ellaline never stopped dancing and filled her last year with special events in a party spirit.

“Swimming with dolphins was a very special moment in Ellaline’s life and money raised through the Wish Ball will help grant wishes for many more children with life-threatening illnesses.”

Helen Jeffery, fundraising manager at Round Table Children’s Wish, said: “We’re incredibly grateful that Ellaline’s legacy continues to help other wish children. The charity remembers Ellaline fondly as a girl who lit up the room.”

The ball takes place at the Connaught Hotel on Saturday, June 5. Jo is appealing to local businesses to sponsor the evening or donate raffle and auction prizes. Contributors will be credited in the programme.

To support the event or buy tickets, email johart13@btinternet.com.

Round Table Children’s Wish is a national charity based in Bournemouth. Since starting in 1990, it has granted more than 1,350 wishes to children throughout the UK.