RIGHT O. We're off. The new album tour has offically started and I am already behind on the whole blogging thing. In my defence, it's been a bit stop/start this week and I will probably do better with my blogging once I'm on the road full time.

The album launch was fantastic, thank-you so much to everyone that came out to make it such an amazing night for me and the band. We all loved it and it was utterly brilliant turning to my left and seeing Clive playing and making me feel all safe and what not.

So we've been to Bristol and Cornwall so far, reached the pinnacle of my career thus far when I arrived at the Crumplehorn Inn to find my face on all the fag butt bins. True:

Bournemouth Echo: Lou Brown

Thanks so much to Sonya in Cornwall who always puts on original music in the fantastic Crumplehorn Inn, so many landlords these days just put on some covers singer/duo that it is becoming rarer and rarer to find pubs that support original artists and have macaroni cheese on the menu - yum.

This rest of this week has consisted of vast amounts of sleep after the album launch and attempting to pack and re pack the car to try and fit in everything we need to tour with. Which has been successful other than whoever is in the passengers seat (me or liddi) needs to also share the seat with 2 mic stands, a suitcase, a case of bottled water and a super sized bag of haribo. Ho-hum that's the touring life.

We set off on Wednesday for a BBC interview in the morning followed by Biddulph, Aberdare and then Trowbridge before another brief stopover at home before we go onto the long haul stretch.

Must. Be. Better. Blogger.