PIRATES, Roundheads and Cavaliers put aside their differences on Saturday... for wedding celebrations with a difference.

Members of the English Civil War Society and the Pirates of Poole were guests of honour at the wedding of local couple Steve Mizen and Grace Twinkletoes at Poole’s Guildhall.

Roundhead captain Henry Hazzard – aka Roger Emmerson – allowed his foot soldiers time off to attend the union at the Guildhall while he adjourned to the nearby King Charles pub.

Drinkers at the Thames Street establishment were reminded of the pub’s 17th-century incarnation as a wool store during Henry/Roger’s daylong “living history” exhibition.

Steve and Grace – both members of the English Civil War Society – used their special day to help the cause of the Sheltered Work Opportunities Project, which runs the Cherry Tree Nursery near Poole Park.