ON THE face of it, both Bournemouth constituencies – East and West – should be bankers for the Conservatives, especially in an election they expect to win overall.

But the Liberal Democrats have fought a hard campaign, particularly in Bournemouth West, where Sir John Butterfill – recently embarrassed by the Channel Four lobbying exposé – is stepping down after 27 years in parliament.

There’s always an element of the unknown when an incumbent retires – especially after so long – and Conor Burns faces a tough fight from Lib Dem Alasdair Murray.

But what of the voters? Has Sir John’s public shaming affected them? What is the feeling on the street?

Student Orin Hurley, 22, said: “Gordon Brown is an idiot, Nick Clegg I think is a bit young. David Cameron I am definitely voting for as he’s Conservative and my family is Conservative.

“Even though he’s airbrushed, he seems to talk some sense.”

Max Allen, a 21-year-old student, added: “I’m not voting as I’m not really interested.

“The country is in such a mess that whoever gets in power it will be the same. My vote won’t change anything.”

Audrey Hinman, 58, said she would vote Conservative and added: “I’m behind David Cameron all the way and I just hope he gets there.”

Administrator Gail Combes, 34, said she was “still deliberating”.

“I’m probably going to vote Lib Dem. It’s hard because you never completely agree with all of one party’s manifesto,” she said.

Gail added that scandals such as that which embroiled Sir John Butterfill and the expenses furore could make people sit up and take notice where they had been apathetic before.

Terry Keats, a 69-year-old retired solicitor, added: “I think it’s sad and it shows some politicians in their true light. There’s one or two – and you get this in all walks of life – who are looking after their own situation. I feel that it’s not helped, particularly in this election, because it’s so recent.

“It’s probably the most interesting election during my lifetime.

“Although I’m not very keen on a hung parliament, I think it’s important that we have more than two choices.”

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