ANYONE walking through Wimborne on Thursday might have looked twice when they saw a gallows outside the Minster.

However it wasn’t a return to medieval capital punishment, but a political campaign group stopping off in Dorset to make its point.

The Vote for a Change campaign has been pressing for a referendum on voting reform and believes that a hung parliament – where no party has an outright majority – offers the chance for “real reform”.

It is a situation thought highly likely this time around.

To hammer home their point, members have been touring the country and stopped off in Wimborne to put up the giant gallows and duck island – a jibe at one MP’s expenses claims – outside the Minster to represent a hung parliament.

Campaigner Willie Sullivan said: “Voters in marginal seats in the South West have a real choice in the coming election. Not between one party and another, but between the old politics and the new. The big parties believe they can deliver change alone. They haven’t and they won’t. Real change starts by changing the voting system.”