Most people would think that the biggest threat to cyclists on the road is collision with a car but that seems to be changing and a new, more worrying danger seems to be appearing. The newest danger to cyclists is pedestrians!

Before I get attacked and criticised for suggesting that pedestrians may be causing an issue and that it's "All the cyclists fault for riding on the pavement...etc." don't forget the statistics that I mentioned in a previous blog:

Total for years 2000 – 2004 (whole of GB):

Pedestrians killed by cyclist on pavement: 9

Pedestrians killed by motor vehicle on pavement: 3885

The pavement is a dangerous place to be, but not because of cyclists!

The trend that seems to be emerging is for pedestrians not to look where they're going and not be aware of anything going on around them; this isn't just an issue for cyclists as you get lots of comments from drivers about "peds" just stepping out in front of them.

My biggest issue at the moment is along the seafront in the evenings when it's dark.

Take a stroll (carefully of course) down to the seafront in the evenings at this time of year and you may be surprised at just how busy it is.

As it's dark I am always very well lit, my front light in particular is bright enough for me to see where I'm going and to light up signs some way in the distance.

Despite this impressive display of illumination I still get people all dressed in dark clothing who seems to be living out some strange ninja fantasy leaping out in front of me and then suggesting that it's my fault when I have to take evasive action to avoid a collision!

I also go running along the seafront and when it's dark and to ensure my safety, I wear something bright and carry some sort of light with me.

Late last week one of my work colleagues fell victim to this new danger whilst riding home from work, this is what happened in his own, slightly edited, words:

I was SMIDSYd by a sodding pedestrian! I was barrelling down a slight hill about 30mph when two little boys run across the road right in front of me, without looking. THWUMP straight into one, I go down really hard on my left hip, shoulder, elbow and my hands, it hurts even through winter gloves!

The little lad jumps up and he and his mate leg it. I'm left lying in the road - I couldn't even move for a few minutes, my leg was hurting so much.

A few people stop and had seen what had happened and help me and my bike to the side of the road. I spent from 6pm in A&E and I'm now at home with a week’s supply of various non-sticky dressings and the like.

Bike isn't so good perhaps. Haven't properly looked yet. I phoned the wife and she picked me up and we dumped it in the car.

Mrs S tells me the left shifter is broken, but I'll have to see. I'm just worried lots about the carbon frame.

My shorts have a lovely hole in the left hip now, my 2-day old jacket may well have some damage too; total is about £350 on clothing, so I'm absolutely fuming about that.

All because some grotty little child didn't look at the road before he ran out. He's so lucky I wasn't a car.

(Just in case you're wondering SMIDSY is an acronym for Sorry Mate I Didn't See You!)