I can’t believe I’m going to say this but… I really enjoyed Jedward’s performance on Saturday night.

They’re still talentless. They can’t sing. They dance like Thunderbird puppets, one always a split second behind the other. But there was a kitsch genius to the twist they gave Under Pressure.

Listen to Paul talking about the X Factor below

Don’t get me wrong. I still think they should be voted off at the earliest opportunity because I’m still clinging to the clearly out-dated idea that X Factor is a singing competition.

But even Simon Cowell seems to have rolled over on that one so I guess I need to let that naïve notion go.

But they were at least entertaining. And I’ve been way behind the curve on that way of thinking.

Mind you, if someone else had pulled that Vanilla Ice/Queen stunt Louis would have got his little rule book out and wagged his finger like Norris from The Kabin in Coronation Street. Just like Dannii did, in fact. And Louis deserved his telling off.

With the Brothers Grimes in the last three on Sunday night I dared to dream the nation would at last see sense and lose the terrible twosome.

But it was, as usual, a triumph of hope over experience and they skipped off stage leaving Jamie and Lloyd to sing for survival.

As usual, the flat-as-a-pancake Welsh wunderkind pulled off the great escape leaving – in my opinion – the better singer to pack his bags.

Louis must have been beside himself inside. Especially after his “You’re a little voice with big hair” jibe, earlier. Nice line by the way, Louis.

Speaking of nice lines, I’m wondering if the judges burn the midnight oil coming up with witty comments to wither the contestants with. Or if there’s a team of cynical scriptwriters banging them out. There were quite a few goodies this weekend.

Simon to Lloyd: “You’re like a puppy running the Grand National.” (Just surreal).

Simon to Olly: “You are reminding me of Robbie Williams.” (Eh?)

Louis (warming to his theme) to Geordie Joe: “That was a big song for a little guy.”

Okay, so Michael MacIntyre hasn’t got anything to worry about on the stand-up circuit. Louis isn’t about to pull off a six-night stretch at the BIC, but not bad really.

So, the ’fro had to go and the voice from the valleys lives to fight again another day. But it can’t last. He will have to bite the dust. John and Edward will too (if a group’s going to win for the first time, it can’t be this one, surely), so that leaves a modicum of talent in the running: Joe, Olly, Danyl and Stacey.

History suggests a female winner but I wouldn’t bet against Olly, Danyl or Joe just yet. Once we get Lloyd and double trouble out of the game the outcome is too close to call.

But as we all know, whatever happens Simon will be the one laughing (or should that be smirking) all the way to the bank…