SHOP workers are likely to face verbal abuse and attacks in the run-up to Christmas, according to a study.

Their union, Usdaw, has revealed that angry customers often take their frustration out on staff if there are long queues or items are out of stock.

Next week Usdaw will launch its Freedom From Fear Respect Week, highlighting the fact that six shop staff across the UK are abused every minute.

Problems include racist and sexist comments, swearing, verbal abuse and assaults.

Many are abused if they refuse to sell age-restricted items to people without ID and some are attacked when they try to stop shoplifters.

“We are appealing to the shopping public to keep their cool,” said John Hannett of Usdaw. “You might be busy in the run-up to Christmas and have a shorter fuse but shop workers will also be working extra hard and will be under extra pressures.

“I would ask you to think twice before being abusive towards a shop worker – show them some respect.”

The Usdaw survey was completed by 381,000 people. One in three said they have suffered verbal abuse in the past.

Details of the scale of the abuse will be presented to MPs and employers next week and stalls will be set up in many town and city centres to make shoppers aware of the problem.