DAY centre users in Blandford should have their say on proposals to charge for visits to the Heddington Drive facility before it is too late.

That is the view of county councillor Barrie Cooper, who says a County Hall consultation on proposals to charge just over £22 for each visit to the Blandford Centre has not been sufficiently publicised.

The plans are part of a government drive for individual budgets for people who rely on adult care services delivered by county councils.

“At this point in time, I don’t think the consultation has been publicised widely enough.

“The proposals came as a surprise to me when I read them.

“There needs to be greater publicity.

“This isn’t a change that would only affect people who currently use the centre.

“It will also affect future generations,” said Cllr Cooper. A carer for one of the service users in Blandford, asked by the Daily Echo for her response to the proposals to charge for visits, said she had not heard about the consultation.

County Hall care chiefs say the proposals will only affect people who have savings of more than £23,000 and that many people will be better off under the new scheme.

Andrew Cattaway, Dorset County Council’s cabinet member for adult social services, said the personal care budgets would help to create a “level playing field”.

“It is clearly unfair that, currently, people with the ability to pay who choose to receive care in their own home have to pay for it, whereas those who opt to go to a day centre do not.

“It is a historic inconsistency which is not sustainable, and needs to be resolved,” said Cllr Cattaway.

A consultation on personal care budgets and charges for day centre visits closes at the end of November.

For more information, visit socialcare

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