‘It’s good to be back,’ smirks Skin mid-way through the set. A true statement as it has been almost a decade since Skunk Anansie last released new material. Here the European tour commenced in compact surroundings.

The intro shakes any remaining cobwebs from amps as bass and bright lights fill the room. Guitarist Ace, bassist Cass and drummer Mark Richardson appear on stage and hammer out the first riffs as Skin bounds on stage to belt out the lines of Selling Jesus.

The Greatest Hits Tour lives up to its apt name. I Can Dream, Charity, We Don’t Need Who You Are and Charlie Pig Potato are performed early on with fervour by an excitable band with a renewed energy.

Thrown in are some new songs from the forthcoming release Smashes And Trashes. Because Of You encompasses intense crescendos while I Don’t Wanna Kill You and Tear The Place Up have electrifying raw punk moments that is a refreshing sound for a reforming act.

Weak is the same powerful anthem as 13 years ago. Brazen and Twisted are taken from Stoosh and played back to back. The ever charismatic Skin performs for the audience as her sequins sparkle across the stage.

Skank Heads, Hedonism and the recent Squander round off the set before Little Baby Swastika ends the night with a very loud bang. Skunk Anansie are well and truly back.