SPENDING money like it’s going out of fashion is nothing new for the rich and famous.

But every now and then comes along a little tit-bit of news that makes you feel just a teensy bit jealous that they obviously have more money than sense.

I read recently that movie star Brad Pitt has reportedly spent a fortune – £50,000 to be precise – building a special run for – wait for it – his children’s gerbils.

Apparently the actor “loves architecture” and is said to have personally overseen every step of building the “bespoke hutch” at the French estate he shares with actress Angelina Jolie and their six children.

According to the report, the elaborate run has a maze of tunnels, seesaws and platforms for the pets to live in A-list style.

Over the top doesn’t even begin to cover it.

But of course Brad’s not the first star to flash his cash in such an outrageous fashion.

Katie Price allegedly flies to LA several times a year just to get her hair done, while it was revealed some years ago that singer Elton John blew £40m in just 20 months, including £293,000 on flowers alone.

“Well, I like flowers,” Sir Elton said mildly in his defence at the time.

“I’m a single man. I like spending money.”

Quite. And if you have that much money, why not spend it?

Brad’s elaborate gerbil run got me thinking about what frivolous purchases I would make if I were in the same position.

I’ve always wanted to go into a shop and demand “one of everything in my size”, so that would have to be number one on the list.

And a private helicopter to beat the traffic (it took me an hour to get from Christchurch to Bournemouth via Boscombe yesterday morning) would be a must.

Some years back during a trip to Aust-ralia we visited a Chinese rest-aurant in the sleepy town of Mortdale, just outside Sydney, which my husband proclaimed served the tastiest roast pork chow mein in the world.

He said at the time that, if he were Elton John, he would fly the dish back to the UK whenever he fancied a takeaway.

So perhaps that would make an original birthday present?

Of course, along with the money often comes the urge to act like a diva.

British actor Hugh Grant admitted recently that he insisted on having the bedding in his on-set trailer washed several times before he used it while filming and singer Mariah Carey famously makes outrageous demands such as having dressing rooms completely redecorated when visiting different venues to perform.

Usually, this behaviour is seen as “spoilt brat-ish”, but I have to say, if I were in that position, I would be tempted to make increasingly ridiculous demands, just to see if they could be accommodated.

Just imagine how much fun it would be watching a group of stressed-out flunkies trying to find a baby elephant to squeeze into your limo on the way to an awards ceremony!