After a summer break that MPs would be chuffed with, the Funnybone Comedy Club reopened on Friday night with a cracking line up of comedians.

Harvey Oliver blew away the cobwebs with a well-received warm-up set. That said, the front row probably wished they’d been tucked away on a table in a dark corner of the club, particularly the bloke who had donned a Hawaiian shirt for the evening. After shooting down members of the audience with some razor sharp witticisms, he then fired into anything from Nandos and Ryanair to Brits abroad.

Granted the subjects weren’t groundbreaking but his delivery was very funny indeed.

Next up was Canadian Marty McLean, who kicked his set off with some observational humour about the English language and his trials and tribulations of getting accustomed to British slang.

His material was refreshing, funny and, towards the end, fabulously rude. Thumbs up Marty.

The final act on the bill was plucky Northerner, Jon Richardson, who just looked like he was going to be funny.

He didn’t disappoint, inducing laughs from start to finish with a range of material that focussed on his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and some silly, but likely situations, he has found himself in.

Particularly funny was his anecdote about faking a cockney accent to stop a London cab driver taking him the long way to his destination. The story didn’t end well, unlike Jon’s set, which went down very well indeed.

Welcome back Funnybone, we’ve missed you.