A BATCH of cereal has been removed from the shelves of 99p Stores nationwide after yet more moths were found in purchases from Poole.

Last week the Daily Echo reported that a mum of two had found a live moth, still sealed in the cereal bag from a box of honey and nut corn flakes bought in budget store in the High Street.

The Daily Echo was then contacted by Frances Burns, from Parkstone, who had discovered a number of moths hitching a ride in a box of the same cereal.

She had even eaten her way through a bag without realising.

The 63-year-old told the Daily Echo: “I gave my husband a bowl last Saturday morning before I saw your story in the paper and he pulled a moth out.

“Then my daughter called me up and said ‘Have you seen the story about the moths in the Echo?’ “I felt as sick as a pig.

“I was eating it every day and when I read your story I felt sick to my stomach.”

Frances then looked in another box and found yet more winged creatures.

“I found two moths in the bag inside and a fluffy cocoon and there were actually four in the box – one stuck on the outside of the bag,” she added.

“Every a packet of cereal I buy now, I shall be looking.”

Frances passed on her complaints to Poole council.

James Norman, principal officer, said: “Following a visit from an environmental health officer the store has withdrawn the product from sale.

“Samples were taken and investigations are ongoing with the UK distributor of the product.”

A spokesman for the 99p store confirmed that a batch of the Mr Breakfast brand cereal marked with the numbers 28072009 and 27042010 had been removed from the shelves of all their stores.

He said: “We have informed our suppliers and they are investigating the matter with the manufacturers.”