A NEW FOREST headteacher who was at the centre of a police investigation has announced that he is to retire next year.

John Crisp, head of New Milton Junior School for the past 23 years, said he had decided to retire at the end of the summer term next year.

“This hopefully gives the governors and the local authority a good rolling period where they can advertise and sort out a replacement,” he said.

“Now is the right time to have someone new. Retiring really has been an option since I was 60.”

Deputy head teacher Elaine Rich, who ran the school in Mr Crisp’s absence, is also planning to retire next summer.

Mr Crisp was at the centre of controversy when he went “on leave” in January 2006 after a pupil complained of ill-treatment.

Mr Crisp was arrested and questioned by Hampshire Police but no further action was taken.

He was also cleared by Hampshire County Council.

The matter was then placed in the hands of the school’s governors and his return was delayed until September of that year.

The following year the 414-pupil school received a glowing report from the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted).

The Ofsted report said standards at the school were above average and described some of the teaching as “inspired”.

It added: “Leadership and management are good. The head teacher and senior managers work together to ensure that initiatives directly benefit pupils.”