A POPULAR Poole secondary school has been teaching pupils in the hall and dining room and taking drama lessons in corridors.

According to government recommendations, the 860-pupil St Edwards RC/CE VA Comprehensive School in Oakdale is bursting at the seams with about 140 more students than there is space for.

And it is likely to get worse at the school for 11-18 year-olds with an additional year group of 174 students due in 2013 under Schools re-organisation.

These statistics came to light in a design and access statement submitted for retrospective planning permission for a temporary double classroom and covered cycle shelter.

“The addition of this double classroom will address the immediate issue of limited space,” said the applicant’s report.

“The school currently is time tabling classes in the hall, at times using the dining server area and regularly using corridors for drama work.

“These are all symptoms of not having enough classroom space, which is impacting on learning. These extra classrooms will alleviate some of the problems.”

Borough of Poole granted the application for a temporary period of three years.

John Mannix, director of schools for the Catholic Diocese of Plymouth said: “If the pupils’ results are getting better and better then either they have coped with the constraints in education and the teachers and the school are doing an even better job, or actually the constraints aren’t quite as bad as the people would choose to put in the planning application.”

Borough of Poole said pupil numbers had risen due to successful admission appeals and the school is likely to be in a future wave of funding for permanent accommodation under Building Schools for the Future.

Until funding for permanent improvements was confirmed, temporary classrooms would be funded by the council for additional numbers from 2013, said Anne Newton, strategic director of children’s services.

“A feasibility study concluded there was sufficient space to provide additional capacity for students on the St Edward’s School site.

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